14 May Stovetop Casserole
I cringe a bit at calling this recipe a casserole. The word casserole for me carries the assumption that the recipe is unexciting or too fussy. This stovetop casserole is neither of those things! So even if you are a casserole hater (like me apparently!), come with me on the road to stovetop casseroles! They are simple, flexible and easy to adjust to your own tastes – no flavorless goop here!
This recipe has become one of my favorites in our weeknight dinner rotation. The inspiration for it started with a recipe for Hoppin’ John we made on New Years’ Day to get our black-eyed pea fix. The recipe sautéed veggies and cooked the meat in the same pan you then added rice and water to before allowing it to simmer. Browning the meat and veggies in the pan before adding the liquid allows flavor to develop before it all simmers and comes together with the rice. The flavors of everything are better for being together and I love the simplicity of everything in one pan. On the night we made Hoppin John my daughter uttered what I have come to consider the best compliment of my cooking: “can we make this dinner again mommy?”
Since New Years’ I have made a number of variations of this concept. The concept is endlessly versatile, so even a refrigerator-clean out version that has you pulling out a random array of veggies and meat that need to be used with come together well. A nice dice on the veggies, some browning and a good broth are key. The beans also add a nice toothsome quality to the final dish. Enjoy this one and let me know about your variations!
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