09 Apr Easy Vegan Chia Pudding
This week I needed something I could make one handed while holding a baby and managing a toddler. Motherhood can be debilitating. I don’t mean this helplessly, but children are literally debilitating when you are trying to get something done. One child is knocking something over while “helping” and the other is screaming and clawing at your leg because he wants to be picked up. So, I cook one handed with “help” from a three year old which, in the literal sense of the word, is debilitating. Only so much brain power and physical energy can be devoted to cooking when answering the perpetual string of questions from my three year old and continually monitoring my 11 month old and what is next on this path of destruction. Before I had children I thought it was hard to get things done. Now that I have children I wonder why, and I still think it is hard to get things done. Before you start thinking this is my whole life though, you should know that I did get to photograph this one on my own, a luxury I am not always afforded. Sometimes hands or heads block my shot and I must find another. It is probably a testament to how much I love cooking and photography that I always seem to have the energy to do it, even when it means multitasking.
In light of limitations but still needing to have tasty and healthy food, I share with you a super simple and healthy pudding! It is also super delicious. It is only sweetened with banana and is vegan. Heck, it only has five ingredients and one of them is water. Enjoy this sweet little treat on its own or add some fruit, granola or oatmeal.
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