22 Apr Peach Oven Pancakes
This is a recipe adapted to be gluten and dairy free from Bojon Gourmet’s recipe for Baked Pancake. I really love how simple this recipe is, and I end up making it quite a bit for brunches and family get-togethers. It is a great way to use any extra fruit you have, and since you are cooking the fruit anyway, frozen fruit you’ve bought or saved in the freezer from a previous season works great!
I’ve used a number of different gluten free flour and fruit combinations with this recipe, and haven’t found any that I don’t like. You will find some of your pancakes puff more than others, and since you are working with gluten free flour, they will never puff as much as their glutinous counterparts. The pancake won’t stay puffed for long after it is removed from the oven anyway, so it isn’t a huge loss. These taste great regardless.
I typically use either a stainless steel or cast iron pan for this recipe. I think the cast iron typically yields better results, but the stainless is easier to clean. So if I am wanting an easy cleanup (which is often!) I go with the stainless.
My daughter loves these, and she has gotten pretty good at helping me make the batter. I love seeing her get excited about making these when family is coming over and excitedly telling our guests about what we made them.
Enjoy these, and let me know what combinations and variations you try!
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